Tideflex® Check Valves 
In 1984, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) commissioned Red Valve to develop and test an alternative to ineffective flapgate valves. As a result, the elastomer duckbill Tideflex® Check Valve was specifically designed to eliminate operation and maintenance problems associated with flapgate valves - including corrosion, freezing open or shut, warping and clogging. The EPA tested the Tideflex® Check Valve for two years and found that it showed significant improvement over flapgate valves in terms of leakage inflow, debris entrapment, self-cleaning and marine fouling. Today, hundreds of thousands of Tideflex® Check Valves are installed and performing reliably worldwide. Tideflex® Check Valves have become the world standard for maintenance-free backflow prevention.
Over the years, we have continued to enhance and refine the performance of our products. The custom-engineered design of the duckbill Tideflex® Check Valve has led to other innovative applications such as potable water mixing systems, aeration and mixing systems, and effluent diffuser systems. The development of the Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) for water storage tank mixing led to a full line of NSF Certified check valves.
Tideflex® has a full staff of professional engineers and designers that have developed specialized hydrodynamic models for use in the design of all Tideflex® systems. Our engineering team is ready to assist you in the design of unique and cost-effective solutions for difficult applications. Over thirty years of proven field operation, research and development, and continuous engineering enhancements have combined to make Tideflex® Check Valves the most reliable duckbill Check Valves on the market today. When you specify a Tideflex® Check Valve, you are guaranteed a product with a proven record of maintenance-free backflow prevention.
Click to learn more about our full line of Tideflex® products.